Recently a few classmates I went to high school with passed away. I can't say I knew them all that well. I knew of them. They had a lot of friends and from the glimpses I did see of them... well, they were teenage boys. I graduated with the Class of '09. That was 5 years ago.
They were in their early 20's and their lives were cut short by a power greater than us. I've prayed and will pray for their families and keep my hopes up that we don't lose anymore young souls. Unfortunately, the fact is, someone will be taken away from us.
My point for you, and for me, is to please live your life, not just to the fullest, but to the best. Young or old, live your life. It's extremely short and gets shorter as the years go by. They fly by faster than you remember as a child and in the blink of an eye, you're looking at your hands and face remembering how they used to be small or wrinkle free, realizing that your time will come as well.
Cherish time with family, friends and loved ones. As much as life throws at us and as much time as we spend caring about things that are smaller in the broad spectrum of our lives, we need to remember that we serve a purpose.
I do.
You do.
We do.
It's all for a purpose. People pass away and it doesn't get any easier. It's up to you, you can make sure that you walk out of your house every morning with a smile, and be happy for even the tiniest reason. You woke up.
I feel like people are set in such a negative state of mind that you can't turn around without being slapped with bad news. Change yourself and state of mind to help change other people's state of mind. Smile more, love often, and be open to things that you have always wanted to do, but were too afraid to try.
No matter how old you are, adventure awaits. Everyone's life is a book, some are short, some are long, some have epic stories to tell. Make your life epic. Make your story as adventurous as possible.
Everyone's definition of adventure is different. Just love yours and keep smiling, life is too short to act any other way.
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