Not in a mad grrrrr I'm so pissed off kind of way either.
It's more like, I really just want to watch something explode and burst into majestic flames of glory and be warm.
That's not weird.
I'm normal.
Say's the serial killer inside my head.....
Ok did I creep you out just a little? Because I creeped me out a lot.
So here's an update: I moved out "officially" and am now living at my parents house for a few months until I can save my money and perhaps get a studio apartment near the woodlands. I mean, let's face it. It's beautiful over there and I could use some beauty in my life.
I'm excited for the new shit to come. All of it. I don't care what it is. I could find a new pile of shit my dog just crapped out. I'm excited.
Ok. Not really. Send me to the looney bin in a straight jacket if I'm ever excited about dog shit.
21 for me is fast approaching and I am not really a party girl, never have been but I can feel the electric hum of a new adventure coming my way. Obviously a lot in life is going to change in a short amount of time but I'm super more than alright with that. I need a change. It's necessary right now so that I don't think too much.
In other awesomely sexydrooltimeomgnews. I want to see Magic Mike.
Who the fuck came up with this movie anyways?
Does anyone even know what it's about?
What's the plot?
My answer to all of these questions is: No. Shut your mouth and just... Who the fuck cares?!

I just don't even ... words cannot describe... I can't even... you know what? I can't think or talk right now... let's just enjoy this image blown up to maximum size for your (my) ultimate viewing pleasure.
Wanna light that on fire!
Wait... no.
This movie.
Is genius.
Someone said "Hey... you know what would make a lot of money? Strippers. Not just any strippers because girls are gross and whoreish looking now thanks to that one movie with Lindsay Lohan in it. Let's do male strippers. Let's get the hottest men on earth with the most rock hard abs in there. Oh and we gotta have a guy from Texas. I mean this movie would be shit without the guy from Texas. Bitches gonna go crazzzyyy."
And they were right.
Bitches went crazy. I work at a Salon so all I hear is "Ohmahgahd I'm gonna go see Magic Mike tonight. Gonna wear 2 pair of panties just to be safe." Bahahaha.
That's kinda gross though.
I'll give you an update of how it was maybe... if I don't pass out because of the awesome rock hard abs on the big screen.
Oh and Ted is coming out.
Ok, honestly, I'll probably go and see this first because I really really really really have a love for Seth MacFarlane and all of his awesome but sometimes same sounding voices.
I know I'm insane but I need to laugh and Channing Tatum being hot doesn't make me laugh. It makes me realize he's in L.A and I'm in Texas and that shit ain't gonna work.
But a stoner Teddy Bear come to life? Oh... Oh yes. That will bring out the squeaky laughs I hide from society.
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