Thursday, August 2, 2012

Technologically Irate

I'm going through this phase where I detest technology.

People hide behind it way too much and it really does irritate me... for right now. 
Normally I can be caught surfing Facebook on my phone for like... 8 hours through out the day. I was irritating myself!
So...the other day I just decided to delete the damn app. 

I can't do it right now. I can't take the incessant bing bing bing on my phone every time something I like gets liked or something I comment on gets commented on. 

Guess what? Did you know the sun was out for so long during the day? I did not. Facebook was just so consuming that I was unaware of the sun being outside. 

Ok, I'm over exaggerating but I really do think technology and social networks are getting a little ridiculous. 

I can also be found playing Temple Run or Jumbline or some sniper game on my phone but I deleted those apps the other day as well. Less phone time, more... I don't know really. No more mindless insanity. I'm going to try this out for a little while. 

I'm sure it's not a permanent thing because sometimes when I'm just waiting alone at a restaurant for my food to arrive, I feel like an awkward turtle... looking around at absolutely nothing. My phone was my silent friend.

I have literally hidden behind technology every chance I've gotten. When I don't have Facebook or a phone to hide behind, my anxiety skyrockets to a level 10 on the fuck my life-ometer. It goes a little something like this:

Oh God, I just made eye contact with that person. FUCK. They're smiling. Ok ok, smile back. Ok leave it at that and look away. Seriously? Why are they coming over? HEYSOOS I'm gonna throw up. DONDE ESTA MIS PHONE DAMN IT?

Think about it... your phone is literally a handheld sign that says "Fuck off. I'm busy."
For right now though, I think I can go a month or two without my Facebook notifications and Temple Run addiction raging over my life.

Also, if you text me... I may not text back. This was inspired by something someone said and it was kind of interesting because it's true. 

Dudes and chicks who are dating or single, stop hiding behind your text messages. STOP FUCKING TEXTING EACH OTHER. Call each other, or for the love of God go get some damn coffee, but stop hiding behind your creepily apathetic text messages. It gets you no where. That's a lie, it gets you somewhere but then it's like an awkward somewhere. 

Have a face to face conversation with someone. Go out for a drink. Stop being a weird loser. 

Oh you had a sandwich for lunch? 
You sent me a picture... is the etiquette to send you a picture back? 
Here's a picture of my sandwich. Sexy right? 
Mmm look at those jalapeno chips. 

Just stop it. Just stop. I don't want you to Facebook message me that "You're so cool, here's my number, let's continue through text message." That's you saying... "Ball is in your court. You do all the work." No! Stop being a bitch and ask me out in person or over the phone. I want to hear your voice.  Chivalry is not supposed to be dead. 
I don't want to text you all day long because, then we have nothing to talk about when we do hang out. 

What're you doing?
Working. You?
Cool. On what?
*insert lamest explanation ever*...
Lol. Sounds fun. 

Even when I was dating someone and they'd text me back all day long, I would go hang out with them and it was like the walls had a better conversation going on than I did. I already knew what happened throughout their day. They knew what happened with mine. Ok... well I guess we could make out. It's nice and all but damn I'd really like to have actually talked to you about something interesting.

I'm probably scaring some people off but that's cool. I just don't feel like thriving on the internet or my phone for entertainment at the moment.

Text me the code BOOM-SHOEZ-BETCH only in case of emergency. 

...Because that's what you're going to do when you're lying in the hospital... "Must. Text. Taylor. Why the fuck is her code so fucking weird?"
Because it can be bitch.
Because it can be.

I love technology, don't get me wrong, it's amazeballs I completely agree. Literally though, everyday I am on the computer checking out the latest news story, newest technology input, best gossip, funniest cosmo sex story... these are my habits and what not. I also get to update Facebook for work as well as LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google, Twitter and some other things that I don't understand like Tumblr. On top of all that I text 75+ people a week just to confirm their appointments. I have this every day in my life plus everything I do on my own. 

All day, err day. 

I almost miss working in a restaurant because you just conversed with different people all the time. It was your job to start a conversation and be nice.

It's not necessary for technology to rule my life. Let's see who I meet and what happens when I don't hide behind my phone or computer every second of every day. 
Should be interesting.

Update: I was laughing today because of my horoscope. Don't judge me, I wanna be prepared yo. So today it says...

Just twenty years ago, cell phones were rare. People still made their phone calls from the comfort of their own homes. Back then most people didn't have many life experiences that were so urgent they needed constant access to a phone. And even if they did, there were public telephone booths around that required just a quarter or two to make a call. You need a break from the hectic pace of life today, Moonchild. (I love when they call me that.) You are more sensitive than a lot of other signs, (I have a sensitive side, it's true) and you need an occasional release from the pressure of being constantly connected. Close your door and turn off the phone - at least for an hour or two.