Leetle deetle dee.
Hey. How goes it?
So I've said it before I'll say it again. Peeps, I'm busy.
Never too busy for this though. This is my numero uno outlet.
I'm going to start off by saying, "Sorry." to all of the nurses or medical receptionists or people in the health care industry. I judged your face hardcore. It's hard not to. You all look so bitchy and rude. You act bitchy and rude and I never understood why you couldn't just put a smile on your face and say "Hello!"
I never understood until I started working in the healthcare industry.
Granted, I still put a big fake ass smile on my face when I'm greeting a patient, but it's hard not to lose my cool and just tell them they're being pretty fuckin' rude to me and they need to calm the fuck down before I shove my clipboard up their ass.
Too much.
I don't think people grasp the job. You have to deal with phones ringing every 5 seconds, people coming to the window asking where the doctor is, your co-workers bugging you about this or that and then on top of that the doctor himself being this intimidating being who could be compared to the likes of a drill sergeant.
"Yes sir. No Sir. Right away SIR!"
Don't get me wrong, I lurve every second. My day flies by and I feel useful finally. I love this job more than I love facebook and sweet baby J, I love me some facebook.
I'm just letting you all know... when you go to the Doctor's office, chill the FUCK out, because we're actually doing the best we can. Pinky swears it. I try to be nice though, so if you get a bitchy person on the phone or at the window feel free to have a little fit and throw your pen at her FACE. Bitchy nurses and receptionists ain't cool.
So the job is going well.
The life. Ah. The life is going weird. I'm content but I'm really trying to pack the money away so I can move out of my parental's house. Mostly, these few months have been about me getting out of the debt I was in. It's been an uphill battle and I'm nearing the top of the majestic mountain of freedom and lower bloodpressure. Right now I just feel like an uber bitch half... if not all of the time.
ex. 1
Mom: How was work?
Mom: *stares*
Mom: Are you home yet?
Mom: *stares like she's going to slap me.*
I'm pushing the brink of my sanity and I'm doing it all to myself. Hopefully with all of these responsible acts that I'm completing I'll be able to get the hell out of my parents house so they don't hate me by next year.
So that's exciting.
I'm maybe dating someone... I don't know.
That reminds me....
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Remember that one time I almost got married and made the worst mistake of my little life? Yeah... I didn't do it and FUCK... I feel like a smarter person for it. I've found out more shit in the last 6 months than I've really needed to and some of it was difficult to hear, but most of it I just kind of laughed off because that's what I'm good at doing. For the life of me, I feel better knowing still... I did that shit right.
I've slowly been making little changes here and there to turn things around and get my life to where I wanted it to be all along. It's good times.
Oh by the way you silly willy walnut heads I need some motherfucking guest bloggers. STAT. PRONTO. NOW. Yeah ... I'm talking to you with the face.
Ok. I'm done talking for now. Have a fun weekend internet peoples.
7:03 PM
By Unknown
In: I was stupid now I'm not, i'm pretty hungry right now no lie, insanity, majestic freedom
1 comment
By Unknown
In: I was stupid now I'm not, i'm pretty hungry right now no lie, insanity, majestic freedom

You'll be loved...no matter what! Your dog on the other hand...lol. With thanksgiving coming up, just know how thankful some of us are for you and the "much better" decisions you've recently made. Chill some, enjoy life, and wait for that awesome person to come into your life. Foul language and all, YOU'RE AMAZING !!! Hee Hee.
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